Monday, October 22, 2007

Intense Game!!

Anyone who was at last Saturday's game against Cornell knows how intense that game was! i am telling we were at our best! We were scoring in every way, runs, passes, field goals! My friend and former high school buddy, Legrande Bienname, scored on a touch down pass from Travis Deitce! It was pretty sweet! Travis also ran for a score of his own! I think it was a 49 yard run! The kid is fast. Adam Reutzel had another stellar game, he also had a long touchdown run. Perhaps the highlight of the game is when Bill Nelson tied his school record with a 52 yard field goal. Defense was stellar, Jeff Wilkins had two interceptions late in the game. Killing the hopes of any kind of come back. It was an overall beat down of the Rams on Saturday. If you were there to be apart of it you know! Final score was 38-6, hope to see you at the next home game!


God Bless, Greg

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